Press releases

RayStation in clinical use with CyberKnife at Centre hospitalier universitare vaudois (CHUV) in Switzerland

RaySearch Laboratories AB (publ) announces that Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV) in Lausanne, Switzerland, is the first center in the world to treat a patient using the RayStation®* treatment planning system in combination with Accuray CyberKnife® treatment delivery system.

The first treatment – on a patient with brain metastasis – was successfully carried out on September 14. The RayStation module for CyberKnife planning provides support for optimization with the three different collimation types – fixed cones, Iris™ Variable Aperture and Incise™ Multileaf Collimator – and all CyberKnife tracking techniques for Synchrony® real-time motion synchronization.

CHUV has been a RaySearch customer since 2017. In June 2021, the relationship with the clinic was extended as CHUV ordered additional RayStation functionality for automated treatment planning and segmentation using machine learning techniques and support for CyberKnife planning. Further, the center is planning to fully replace its existing oncology information system with RayCare*, to coordinate and optimize its workflows and treatment management. In addition, CHUV was the first center to purchase RayIntelligence®, the innovative cloud-based oncology analytics system launched in December 2020. Eventually, CHUV will conduct all major radiation oncology activities including treatment planning, recording and verifying, workflow management and data analytics exclusively with RaySearch software.

Prof. Jean Bourhis, CHUV says: “This first treatment of a patient with a CyberKnife, while using RaySearch’s treatment planning system (TPS) is indeed a great achievement, opening new avenues towards using a single and unified planning system for all our radiotherapy machines. This was made possible due to a great collaboration between the teams from Accuray, RaySearch and CHUV, and the quality of the dose distribution obtained for this patient with this new TPS was amazing.”

Johan Löf, founder and CEO, RaySearch, says: “We are very pleased to hear that the first treatment with CyberKnife using RayStation as treatment planning system has been successfully carried out at this world-class center. We are impressed by how fast the system was brought into clinical use, as the added functionality for RayStation was ordered as late as June this year. It is also satisfying to see the strength of collaboration, how industry and healthcare together develop new technique to achieve improved treatment for the patient. We look forward to further deepening our collaboration with both Accuray and CHUV.”

Joshua H. Levine, CEO, Accuray, says: “The successful first patient treatment at CHUV using our CyberKnife robotic radiotherapy system with the RayStation TPS represents an important milestone for our organizations and for patients. Working together, the CHUV, Accuray and RaySearch teams are increasing options for planning and delivering precise, personalized radiation treatments that address the unique needs of each patient. CHUV has set an example for other hospitals around the world that want to enhance the care they provide their patients with a CyberKnife System, yet also aspire to simplify their workflow by utilizing a common treatment planning system for all of their radiotherapy devices.”

* Subject to regulatory clearance in some markets.

About CHUV

Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois is, together with Geneva, Bern, Basel and Zurich one of the five university hospitals in Switzerland. With its 16 clinical and medico-technical departments and their numerous services, the CHUV is renowned for its academic achievements in health care, research, and teaching. The CHUV is also a well-known center of medical education and research thanks to its collaboration with the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of the University of Lausanne and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). Together, these institutions form a vast campus in the Lake Geneva region.

About RaySearch

RaySearch Laboratories AB (publ) is a medical technology company that develops innovative software solutions for improved cancer treatment. RaySearch markets the RayStation® treatment planning system (TPS) and the oncology information system (OIS) RayCare®.  The most recent additions to the RaySearch product line are RayIntelligence® and RayCommand®. RayIntelligence is an oncology analytics system (OAS) which enables cancer clinics to collect, structure and analyze data. RayCommand®, a treatment control system (TCS), is designed to link the treatment machine and the treatment planning and oncology information systems. 

RaySearch software is used by over 2,600 clinics in more than 65 countries. The company was founded in 2000 as a spin-off from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm and the share has been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 2003.

About RayStation

RayStation® is a flexible, innovative treatment planning system, chosen by many of the leading cancer centers worldwide. It combines unique features such as unmatched adaptive therapy capabilities, multi-criteria optimization, market-leading algorithms for treatment plan optimization for HDR brachytherapy and external beam therapy with photons, electrons, and protons, as well as helium and carbon ions. RayStation supports a wide range of treatment machines, providing one control center for all treatment planning needs and ensuring centers get greater value from existing equipment. RayStation also seamlessly integrates with RayCare. By harmonizing the treatment planning, we enable better care for cancer patients worldwide.

About RayCare

The RayCare® oncology information system (OIS) is designed to support the many complex logistical challenges faced by today’s oncology clinics. RayCare is closely integrated with RayStation® and provides seamless access to all the powerful planning tools in RayStation, and RayCommand®. The system efficiently coordinates activities in radiation therapy and offers advanced features for clinical workflow automation, and adaptive radiation therapy. RayCare responds to the demand from clinics for a more user-friendly and workflow-oriented information system that can support the future of cancer care.

About RayIntelligence

Data-driven oncology represents a new era in healthcare. RayIntelligence® is an innovative cloud-based oncology analytics system that gives meaning to data, empowering cancer centers to reach new levels of personalized care through insights based on clinical data.

More information about RaySearch is available at


For more information, please contact:

Johan Löf, Founder and CEO, RaySearch Laboratories AB (publ)
Telephone: +46 (0)8-510 530 00

Peter Thysell, CFO, RaySearch Laboratories AB (publ) 
Telephone: +46 (0)70 661 05 59