Press releases

The Chairman of the Board of RaySearch Laboratories AB (publ) resigns

RaySearch’s Chairman, Erik Hedlund, resigns from the Board with immediate effect following disagreement with the CEO. The remaining members of the Board express their full confidence in their CEO. The Board has appointed board member Carl Filip Bergendal as new Chairman until the Annual General Meeting, which will be held on 24 May, 2017.

”RaySearch’s business operations continue to develop well and according to plan and won’t be affected negatively by this”, says Johan Löf, CEO.

”The Board would like to thank Erik for his contribution to the company’s development during his time as Chairman of the Board”, says Carl Filip Bergendal, Chairman of the Board.

Erik Hedlund has been a member of RaySearch’s Board of Directors since 2000. In conjunction with his resignation, Erik Hedlund has requested that his RaySearch shares of Series A be converted into shares of Series B.

About RaySearch
RaySearch Laboratories is a medical technology company that develops advanced software solutions for improved radiation therapy of cancer. RaySearch develops and markets the RayStation treatment planning system to clinics all over the world and distributes the products through licensing agreements with leading medical technology companies. The company is also developing the next-generation oncology information system, RayCare, which comprises a new product area for RaySearch, and will be launched in 2017. RaySearch’s software is currently used by over 2,600 clinics in more than 65 countries. The company was founded in 2000 as a spin-off from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm and the share has been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since November 2003.

For more information about RaySearch, please visit

For further information, please contact:
Johan Löf, President and CEO, RaySearch Laboratories AB (publ)
Telephone: +46 (0)8-510 530 00