Press releases

RaySearch awarded treatment planning installation at premier cancer center in the US

MD Anderson Cancer Center recently closed a request for proposal (RFP) for the acquisition of new radiation therapy planning software to expand current approaches and investigate new technologies.

On August 18, 2015, a purchase agreement was signed, finalizing an RFP put forward by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, this spring, to assist in the selection and assessment of new treatment planning technologies.

The conclusion and rationale for the selection of the RaySearch Laboratories treatment planning system (TPS) was that “the RayStation® system offers a new environment for radiotherapy treatment planning – optimizing leading-edge hardware functionality to improve speed in TPS optimization and offer a ‘modern’ working environment. This system also offers alternative approaches to IMRT optimization using a unique technology known as multi-criteria optimization (MCO). Several other options exist in this system, such as adaptive and fallback planning, some redundant with existing systems at MDACC, but the alternative software will be explored,” stated the MD Anderson Cancer Center in the RFP statement of work. The center will implement approximately thirty licenses throughout the department, twenty for clinical use and ten for research, to fully investigate which technologies have the biggest impact on its practice.

“Getting RayStation® into MD Anderson and working with the team there is a great opportunity – we look forward to developing a research relationship that can lead to novel and exciting functionality,” says Marc Mlyn, President of RaySearch Americas, Inc. “We are pleased to have the opportunity to show how RayStation® can positively impact the center’s workflow and help it achieve its patient care goals,” he concludes.

“We are very pleased that such a highly respected institution as MD Anderson has selected RayStation® in direct competition with all major TPS providers. This provides strong confirmation of RayStation®’s many and unique advantages and will demonstrate the impact it can have in a large clinical setting,” says Johan Löf, CEO of RaySearch Laboratories AB.

About RayStation®

RayStation® integrates all RaySearch’s advanced treatment planning solutions into a flexible treatment planning system. It combines unique features such as multi-criteria optimization tools with full support for 4D adaptive radiation therapy. It also includes functionality such as RaySearch’s market-leading algorithms for IMRT and VMAT optimization and highly accurate dose engines for photon, electron and proton therapy. The system is built on the latest software architecture and has a graphical user interface offering state-of-the-art usability.

About RaySearch

RaySearch Laboratories is a medical technology company that develops advanced software solutions for improved radiation therapy of cancer. RaySearch markets the RayStation® treatment planning system to clinics all over the world. In addition, RaySearch’s products are distributed through licensing agreements with leading medical technology companies. RaySearch’s software is used by over 2,500 clinics in more than 65 countries. RaySearch was founded in 2000 as a spin-off from Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm and the company is listed in the Small Cap segment on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm.

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For further information, please contact:

Johan Löf, President and CEO, RaySearch Laboratories AB

Telephone: 46 (0)8-510 530 00